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  • Writer's pictureLW Dove

She's Got Your Back

Emperor Hirosho wouldn't have become the emperor he became without her and her siblings' help in Battle of the Midnight Star. In Seeking the Midnight Star, when someone needed to save her brother, Kyp, from a raging bemel, her new ability came in handy. She's a good friend to have around!

Name: Sauri Redbreed

Gender: female

Species: Catacorn

Age: teenager

Hair/Fur color/pattern: blue-violet and black; cream

Eye color: blue

Horn: sapphire

Height: average for her age

Weight: average for her age

Occupation: keeping Kyp in line

Abilities: keeping things in order; feeding you words when you don't know what to say; telekinesis (StMS)

Likes: cooking, cleaning, sewing

Dislikes: disorganization, chaos, loud noises

Appears in: Battle of the Midnight Star and Seeking the Midnight Star

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